Finding Jesus in the Temple: A Christian Midrash on Ezekiel’s Temple Vision


Midrash is a form of Jewish Bible study. The following four-part "Christian midrash" is offered for Jewish readers and others interested in seeing Ezekiel's Temple through the eyes of Jewish commentators—old and new, Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform—and how it still points to Jesus as the Messiah.


The author’s “anecdotal Jewishness,” rebellion against God, and discovery of the Temple Vision. Its maze-like complexity as a mirror of the sinful maze of his early life. His conversion to faith in Jesus, and his discovery of the Temple’s bi-axial geometry and its meaning in the context of the Tanakh.


An explanation of the form of the Temple from a New Testament perspective, showing how Jesus (Yeshua) fulfilled and exceeded everything conveyed in the geometry of Ezekiel’s Temple plan that was explained in Part 1, utilizing the same Scriptures and diagrams.


Compares the complexity of Ezekiel’s Temple with that of the Talmud, utilizing the archetypes of the maze and the labyrinth, asking which more of a maze, which more of a labyrinth—and why a Jewish person should care about the distinction.


Considers the anti-semitism of Martin Luther, the “Christian Sabbath” on Sunday, and the Trinity, or Tri-Unity of God—all with reflections on aspects of Ezekiel’s Temple from the preceding three articles.


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Jews and Christians hold a range of views on the corporeality of this Temple. Will it be “built,” and if so, when? The present author has stressed its “symbolic” aspects without passing final judgment on its becoming a physical structure. But here, in the interest of “iron sharpening iron,” he poses questions for persons dedicated to its soon “construction,” and gives his best answer to when and how it will indeed be built.


Condensed highlights from this study's conclusions about the Temple's form and meaning. The original context in the Tanakh (the Christian “Old Testament”) and the author’s New Testament interpretations are closely juxtaposed for comparison.